Published Work

Peer-Reviewed Papers

  1. Arnab Biswas, Cunningham, Chris, Kris Gerardi and Daniel Sexton (2021), “Foreclosure Externalities and Vacant Property Registration Ordinances,” Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 123. [un-gated earlier working paper]
  2. Cunningham, Chris, Kris Gerardi and Yannan (Lily) Shen (2021) “The Double Trigger of Mortgage Default: Evidence from the Fracking Boom,” Management Science, September. [un-gated earlier working paper]
  3. Cunningham, Chris, Solveig A. Cunningham, Nafisa Halim, Kathryn M. Yount (2019), “Public Investments and Children’s Academic Achievement.Journal of Development Studies, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 2365-2381.
  4. Cunningham, Chris, Robert Reed and Michaela Patton (2016), “Heterogeneous Returns to Knowledge Exchange: Evidence from the Urban Wage Premium.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 126 part A, pp. 176-201. [un-gated earlier working paper]
  5. Ron Cheung, Chris Cunningham and Rachel Meltzer (2014) “Do Homeowners Associations Help or Aggravate Negative Spillovers from Neighboring Homeowner Distress?”, Journal of Housing Economics, vol. 24, pp. 75-88. [un-gated earlier working paper]
  6. Cunningham, Chris and Rob Reed (2013), “Negative Equity and Wages.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 43, pp. 841-849. [un-gated earlier working paper]
  7. Cheung, Ron and Chris Cunningham (2011), “Who Supports Portable Assessment Caps: The Role of Lock-in, Tax Share and Mobility.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 173-186 [un-gated earlier working paper]
  8. Cunningham, Chris and Gary V. Engelhardt (2008) “Housing Capital-Gains Taxation and Homeowner Mobility: Evidence from the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.” Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 63, Issue 3, pp. 803-815. [un-gated earlier working paper.]
  9. Cunningham, Chris (2007) “Growth Controls, Real Options and Land Development.” Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 89, issue 2, pp. 343-58. [un-gated earlier working paper.]
  10. Cunningham, Chris (2006) “House Price Uncertainty, Timing of Development, and Vacant Land Prices: Evidence for Real Options in Seattle.” Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 59, issue 1 pp. 1-31. [un-gated earlier working paper.]
  11. Cunningham, Chris (2002) and Gary V. Engelhardt “Federal Tax Policy, Employer Matching, and 401(k) Saving: Evidence from HRS W-2 Records.” National Tax Journal, vol. 55.  issue 3  pp. 617-45. [un-gated earlier working paper.]

Other Published Work

  1. “How Long Does It Take to Build Multifamily Housing?” with Anthony Orlando
  2. COVID-19 Mortgage Relief—The Role of Income Support” with Kris Gerardi
  3. “Estimating the Holdout Premium in Land Assembly” [un-gated working paper]
  4. Household Debt and Local Public Finances” with Stephen Whitaker
  5. “Assessment Caps May Not Be Enough” Atlanta Journal-Constitution. A5, 12/13/2009.
  6. “Clearing the roadways: the Case for Congestion Pricing” EconSouth, vol. 10, Number 2, second quarter 2008.
  7. “America’s Infrastructure Funding Gap” EconSouth, vol. 10, Number 2, second quarter 2008. (with Ed. English)
  8. Cunningham, Chris, Gary V. Engelhardt and Anil Kumar “Measuring Pension Wealth.” inTransitioning to Retirement: How Will Boomers Fare? Oxford University Press, 2007, eds. Olivia S. Mitchell, Beth J. Soldo and Brigitte Madrian.
  9. “Smart Growth and the Rebuilding of the Mississippi Gulf Coast.” EconSouth, vol. 8, Number 2, second quarter 2006.